Drafting an Operating Agreement- Five Things to Think About For a limited liability company, the operating agreement is the most important corporate document. Every LLC with more than a single member should have an operating agreement; trying to function without one is like flying blind. A well-drafted operating agreement governs the relationship among the members […]
@#$%&!*! The Seven Dirty Words Can Now be Trademarks
Under the Trademark Act, the US Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) could prohibit the registration of trademarks that comprise derogatory or immoral or scandalous matter. The barrier to derogatory marks fell in June, when the Supreme Court struck down the refusal by the USPTO to register the mark THE SLANTS for a California rock band […]
Employer Obligations under the USERRA
The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (38 U.S.C §§4301-4335), known as USERRA, applies to all employers, including government agencies, regardless of size; and to all service members, except for those separated from military service under other than honorable conditions. Under USERRA, any individual who enlists in the armed forces, or is […]